Empowering students to work through conflict with confidence and clear purpose

Equipping young people with knowledge, understanding & skills to experience conflict with growth, understanding, resilience and connection.


We can LEARN to experience conflict with confidence and meaning

Conflict is a natural and unavoidable; throughout life we’re likely to encounter people with whom we have differences in perspective, competing interests, miscommunications or misunderstandings. These days it is increasingly easy to find ourselves in conflict situations in a range of different ways. 

Learning how to experience conflict and navigate differences in a confident and purposeful way is a vital life skill for young people. 

By gaining knowledge, understanding and skills to approach conflict with a broad perspective, self-reflection and flexible thinking, together with skills for emotional regulation, young people can strengthen and build their ability to navigate conflict situations throughout life.  


Practical and engaging lessons & activities for secondary students

The more we understand the dynamics of conflict – the sources and manifestations – the better placed we are able to experience it with a degree of neutrality, observation and consciousness.

PARC lessons offer students the opportunity to learn about conflict from a broad and unattached perspective, acknowledging it as a part of the universal human experience, something that can be considered and approached with thoughtfulness and meaning. 

The more we understand about ourselves in conflict the better placed we are to consider and choose how we might respond.

PARC lessons guide students to gain greater awareness and understanding of their conflict beliefs and behaviours, supporting a mindful and emotionally agile approach to conflict moving forward. 

There are several recognised conflict-solving styles that humans adopt when experiencing conflict. While various models categorise or label these styles, they generally describe similar responses or behaviours (e.g., avoiding, competing, collaborating).

PARC lessons introduce students to the range of conflict styles, helping them gain insight to their own ‘engagement’ in conflict situations as well as styles adopted by others. This insight helps students move toward self reflection and mindful approaches while experiencing and working though conflict. 

Part of the discomfort we face in conflict can often stem from the perceived lack of ‘control’ – of the situation, ourselves and the other person. A step-by-step framework to analyse and dissect conflict situations, offers an opportunity for pause, strategic thinking, empathy and value based conscious action leading to enhanced connection and empathy.

PARC student lessons teach a framework, skills & tools to:

  • dissect, analyse, consider and respond to conflict situations as they arise
  • identify underlying issues – needs, fears and interests
  • consciously and strategically  consider meaningful & practical options for moving forward

Adaptable lesson plans & activities for Year 7 to 12.

The PARC Program for students comprises lessons and materials for Years 7 to 12.

Aligned to the PARC pillars of Pause, Acknowledge, Reflect, Connect each lesson provides knowledge, understanding and skills for students to practice and use at school, home and in other areas of their lives. 

Each module is broken down into a series of 40-50 minute stand alone lessons that can be delivered as a  whole or tailored program, depending on your school’s needs.

Like to know more about PARC programs for students ?

Add your details here and Kris will be in touch.