Working with parents in a whole school approach to conflict

 Developing  shared understanding, collaboration and a consistent school community-wide commitment to experiencing and working through conflict. 


Promoting constructive conflict conversations across the whole school community

The PARC parent engagement program is an integral part of our whole school approach to conflict, designed to bring parents into the ongoing conversation about the way conflict is experienced and navigated within the school community.

The PARC Program encourages parents to understand and support the school’s approach to conflict. By focusing on the PARC pillars of Pause, Acknowledge, Reflect, Connect the program aims for students to experience a unified and supportive approach to conflict in all parts of their life. 

Through this shared framework, students are equipped with the tools and strategies they need to navigate conflicts constructively, both at school and beyond.


Parents and school, shoulder to shoulder turning conflict into opportunity for growth & development

PARC parent engagement program comprises helpful written explainer materials to assist your schools’ delivery and messaging of the PARC program to parents.

A series of informative and helpful webinars are available to support parents in their understanding and engagement with PARC pillars for working through conflict. 

In person information sessions for  parents at stand alone or general information nights, offer opportunity for parents to gain understanding of PARC.

PARC support is tailored to the needs and interests of each schools parent community, taking into account social, cultural and other needs of the cohort to promote engagement, understanding and inclusion. 

Parent support tailored to your schools needs

Every school community is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to addressing conflict that is suitable to the demographic of all schools.

The PARC parent programs are adaptable and can be tailored to suit the parent community at your school, ensuring parents’ engagement with PARC at your school is helpful, positive, relevant and practical.

Be in touch to find out how PARC can support, guide and engage your school’s community of parents. 

Practical comprehensive resources & materials

PARC parent engagement program comprises practical resources & materials to support parents to understand the PARC framework: 

  • written info / intro materials
  • in person information sessions
  • webinars
  • resource lists
  • other tailored support available

Like to know more about PARC programs for parents ?

Add your details here and Kris will be in touch.